We go deeper than helping your business get paid.

We are your one stop shop for all your processing needs.

Real people. Real solutions.
Real benefits.

We help merchants save an average of 35% off their online payment processing, saving $5,000 to $100,000+ annually.

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Merchant Accounts

From start-ups to established corporations, Nordex makes setting up a debit/credit merchant account a simple and easy process, including providing the best possible rates without compromising customer service.

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Virtual & Mobile

Take advantage of our Mobile/Wireless Credit Card device. One of the great features is the ability to process Installments and recurring payment automatically, reducing manual work exponentially. And with the account updater feature, you don't need to worry about the credit card expiration date.

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Calling all new or established eCommerce sites, we can help you get lower rates for your online payment processing! Every payment is instantly and securely processed, allowing you to validate payments before you ship any products.


Billing & Invoicing

We help you with the latest and best payment solutions for your clients. You can now email a proposal to your customer, and as soon as they accept it, it turns to an invoice. Ready to be paid. Without the hassle of calling to collect payment. Simply resend the email.

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Terminal Options

Whether you need a credit card terminal, wireless credit card machine, or all-in-one solution-virtual merchant, Nordex has the best solution for you!


POS & More

Try our revolutionary POS on a monthly basis, with minimum risk to you. No heavy upfront cost. Converting from your existing POS just got easier and we'll hold your hand during the process too.